Empleos; Puestos de trabajo; Puesto de trabajo; Puesto de trabajo (empleo); Relación de puestos de trabajo
= employment, exercise, employment.
Ex: Under WOMEN -- EMPLOYMENT, for instance, are listed works on the health and safety hazards of employment, the wages of employment, the problems of mothers, married and/or single women and employment, and so on.
Ex: A poorly structured scheme requires the exercise of a good deal of initiative on the part of the indexer in order to overcome or avoid the poor structure.
Ex: Through the employment of such implicitly derogatory terminology librarians virtually give themselves licence to disregard or downgrade the value of certain materials.
* antes de conseguir empleo = preappointment.
* anuncio de empleo = job advertisement.
* buscador de empleo = job applicant, job seeker.
* buscar empleo = seek + employment.
* búsqueda de empleo = job searching, job hunting.
* centro de ayuda al empleo = job-help centre.
* creación de empleo = job creation.
* después de conseguir empleo = postappointment.
* empleo atípico = atypical employment.
* empleo ilegal = illegal work.
* empleo irregular = irregular employment.
* empleo precario = precarious employment.
* hacer que la gente pierda el empleo = put + people + out of work.
* oferta de empleo = career opportunity, job vacancy, job opportunities, job placement, career option, employment opportunity.
* oficina de empleo = employment centre, employment bureau, job centre, labour exchange.
* segregación en el empleo = job segregation, employment segregation.
* seguridad en el empleo = employment protection and safety.
* solicitante de empleo = job applicant.
* solicitud de empleo = job application.
* tener un segundo empleo = moonlight, work + a second job.